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Natalie Kohlhaas
Jul 26, 20162 min read
What is Hypnotherapy Like for Kids?
In this article published in the US National Library of Medicine and Institute of Health, one can begin to understand the qualities of...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Jul 13, 20165 min read
Communication is Key
A key ingredient to any successful marriage or relationship is the ability to consciously communicate with one another in a loving and...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Apr 26, 20165 min read
What is Holding You Back?
Sometimes, it can feel like everyone else is achieving his or her goals in life, while you’re left struggling to figure out who you’re...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Apr 21, 20162 min read
Test Anxiety
Many people experience stress or anxiety before an exam. In fact, a little nervousness can actually help you perform your best. However,...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Apr 19, 20164 min read
5 ways to control racing thoughts
Racing thoughts – fast, repetitive thought patterns about a particular topic – are a common feature of anxiety and other mental health...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Apr 2, 20163 min read
Sleeping With Weighted Blanket Helps Insomnia And Anxiety, Study Finds
How can something so simple as sleeping with weighted blankets be a solution to stress, anxiety, insomnia and more? Messed up sleep can...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Mar 21, 20163 min read
Midlife - When We Want Happiness Now
Erick Erikson believed that identity has its origins in adolescence. He was probably correct, but only in part. While Identity may begin...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Mar 1, 20163 min read
What to do when your family support is missing
Do you always call the same family members with exciting news, only to receive negativity? Learn how to break the cycle of seeking...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Feb 17, 20162 min read
How a thank you letter can boost your day...
Often we veiw helping others as giving of our time and/or money. Yet there are other ways we can give. Researchers found that...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Feb 17, 20162 min read
Amp up your Gratitude
You are thankful. You recognize the benefit that gratitude gives you. Now your ready to go to the next level and develop a grateful way...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Feb 6, 20161 min read
10 New Year’s Practices to Improve Your Emotional Health
As you reflect back on the past year, identify opportunities for taking your emotional health to the next level next year. It’s important...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Feb 3, 20161 min read
Guided Imagery and Cancer
Utilizing guided imagery and hypnotherapy in cancer treatment and survivorship can assist and promote the healing process. These...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Feb 2, 20163 min read
The People Pleasing Cycle
Do you go out of your way to please other people so they will like you? Is it difficult for you to say no or express your opinion when...
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Natalie Kohlhaas
Feb 2, 20161 min read
Ten Habits of Highly Creative People
What exactly is creativity? So many of us assume that creativity is something we had as a child but we lost, or something allocated to...
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