Addiction has been known to ruin lives, relationships and bank accounts. Some people assume that addiction must be tied to a substance or alcohol, but it’s actually rooted much deeper than that, straight into your brain. In a study that involved over 1,500 professionals throughout the United States and Europe, research found that 40.2% considered Wi-Fi their first priority for luxury or necessity, followed by sex, at 36.6% and alcohol at 14.3%. At first, the study has a humorous notion to it, that technology is beginning to sink deeper into our lives. At second glance, it causes some to worry.
With increased screen time being linked to depression and anxiety, this addiction needs to be taken seriously. Most people with addiction issues have coexisting conditions, like bipolar, anxiety, depression, ADD, etc. The chances of relapsing or developing a secondary addiction are much higher with underlying brain dysfunction.

Brain dysfunction is the number-one reason why people stay enthralled by the chains of addiction, and why relapse is so prominent. Addiction is best, and most successfully treated when simultaneously treating the coexisting conditions. With more than 23 million Americans facing addiction issues, it’s more important than ever to accept that addiction is a brain disease, not a personal weakness.
Brainspotting has been found to address the dysfunction of brain regulation in numerous studies around the world. When paired with hypnotherapy results can be life changing. For more information on Brainspotting check out Brainspotting international at